Editorial Services

When You Have a Few Questions...

Video Chat or Phone Consultation

If you have questions—about how to find an agent or what happens next, about whether to self-publish, about how to break into the industry, or something else entirely—schedule a consultation via online video chat or phone. HYPHEN is here to demystify publishing. 
Rate: $50/half hour

When Your Writing Needs a Little Work...

Reader Report

This is the perfect service if you just need a quick evaluation. HYPHEN will read your work and write a one-page report, similar to what an intern would write for their agent. The report will include both strengths and growth areas, though with fewer specific suggestions than you'd receive in an editorial letter.
Rate: $0.009/word

Editorial Letter

HYPHEN will read your manuscript and provide a detailed analysis (approximately 5 pages) of the strengths and areas for improvement, addressing both big-picture and micro concerns, including issues such as plot holes, character arcs, voice, setting, and more. We will also make occasional comments on the manuscript itself to illustrate the points made in the letter. After you've received the critique, we will schedule a one-hour video chat or call to review the notes and answer your questions.
Rate: $0.013/word

*Please note that these rates are an estimate. We will review a sample of your work and then give you a firm quote for full edits.

When You're Ready to submit or publish...

Query or Synopsis Critique

HYPHEN will fully edit your query or synopsis, providing a 2-3 paragraph critique along with on-the-page comments and line edits. This service includes a second pass.
Rate: $100
> Query + Synopsis Package: $185


From the first word to the final punctuation,
hyphen helps polish your prose.